пятница, 17 января 2014 г.

Protection of food or toys from other animals - normal behavior in dogs

Protection of food or toys from other animals - normal behavior in dogs. This instinct arises when a dog feels threatened for its food or toys from other pets. In the wild pack dogs guard their food to eat it later and survive. Dogs facing higher in the hierarchy have the right to take the food from those members of the pack who are below them. Life in the pack requires that leaders did their best to stay alive. Life with a dog is more secure if it does not protect your food .Most trainers argues that the owner must train your dog to freely give food, and punish her ​​if she does not. Very often this leads only to the fact that the dog begins to protect the food even more harshly. Currently, there is a wonderful alternative that works just fine - just let the dog understand that the owner always gives food, and takes it .Prevention . When you take a dog into the house (of any age ) , you hope that it will not have a strong propensity to food protection . If this tendency manifested itself suddenly your dog , you should use the following tips . The most important rule here - prevention !1. Whenever you feed the dog , make sure her isolation from other animals (including cats) , so that the dog did not have to worry about the safety of their food. Create a dog's confidence that its quiet during the meal will not be disturbed , and you will provide her protection from any attack . The above applies to both adult animals and to the very young . Feed your dog regularly at the same time and do not leave a bowl of food not eaten .2 . Walk past the dog during her meal a few times to see her reaction . Any tension in the body of a dog - a cause for concern . If you notice this, be sure to do everything necessary to secure your pet's meals . Keep children away from the dog while eating . You have to convince the dog that her food is guaranteed and there is no need to defend it !

3 . Walk past the dog during her lunch and drop it in a bowl of something more tasty and fragrant than her regular food . Do this many times. Add to food delicacy in small quantities. The idea is to make the dog understand that every time a man approaches her bowl, something good happens .4 . Then gently touch the dog while she eats. At the same time , add to the bowl delicacy . If the dog takes it well , soak between the second touch , and making treats, then two , three, four , and finally five seconds.5 . Connect to the education of your children , that they may go next in a bowl and add a treat (but it can be done only after you're sure that the dog does not show aggression ) . Extremely important that the dog was tolerable in relation to children , so this should not rush . For the safety of children , teach them not to bother the dog while eating , except in cases where children are involved in the education of the animal under your leadership . Children may not appreciate the potential threat , and , of course , do not understand that a dog is mainly guided by instinct. The dog will instinctively respond to what the child seems harmless fun , teasing the animal near his food dish . There are situations where the dog can not understand that this is just a game , reacting to her aggressively.6. Feed your dog in different areas of the home , outside the home and on outings . The idea is that the dog had not thought about the same place as the sanctuary of a certain food because sometimes the dog begins to protect it a place where it is located bowl. Especially, it will be very convenient if the dog can safely eat in different places and at different times , for example , on a trip .7. Repeat all the above steps and dog toys. Make sure that an adult took the dog toy , looked at her , and gave the dog a treat and then returned the toy. Ultimately connect children, but only under strict adult supervision . Teach children not to pick up toys at another time. If the dog shows a strong tendency to protect some special toy for her , this toy should be removed. Better to let the dog lose the fun of this toy , you lose the dog itself , if it becomes too dangerous.8. Never chase a dog that stole a thing. It is the same instinct that food security and teaches the dog to get away from you! Teach your dog to bring you the best things to get for this award.9. You should pay attention to how they behave in relation to a dog in your family sitting at the dinner table . If they are regularly fed the dog , they not only teach her ​​to beg , but also contribute to the development of food protection instinct . Some dogs even formed the belief that all food should belong to them! If you can not prevent your family members to feed the dog , isolate it elsewhere , taking her toy or treat , while people are eating. Follow guests , do not let them feed the animal.10 . Teach your dog commands "sit" and " lie " , and from time to time give her these teams , especially the " lie " when you put it in front of a bowl of food .Recovery. If your dog has a problem with food security , you should continue to deal with her preventive exercises described above. First, for you would be quite dangerous to approach her ​​food bowl . Therefore, you will need assistance of an experienced trainer who would attend classes , and adjust your actions and the actions of your dog.If your dog is guarding the food bowl to hide it between meals as left bowl gives the dog a reason to protect it , and if you remove it, instinct weakens or disappears altogether . If the problem is moderate, put an empty bowl on the floor while eating. Walk past it several times a meter or two , keeping to himself the dog food . Let's dog food in small portions . If the dog reacts to a hand moving in the direction of the bowl , with the support of the trainer . It is best to use something fairly long to pour food into the bowl, so as not to risk his own hand. When the dog realizes that her bowl is empty , go to a bowl , sprinkle a little feed back and immediately step aside . When a dog eats food this part , come again , pour the next portion and step back a meter or two from the bowl.- Your task is to teach the dog to perceive a person approaching the bowl and holding out his hand to her . You need to create a positive image of the person to the dog began to trust him . A good way to finish the meal is to give the dog a particularly tasty treat finally, when you lift the bowl off the floor. This will allow the dog to understand that when her bowl is raised off the floor , she would be given something very tasty , and it says that the food is finished. If your dog feels annoyed when the man comes to the bowl , or some exercise does not work, you should go back a step or a few steps back . In this case, consider the following tips :1. If the dog is prone to protect his bowl directly , you can exclude from this exercise bowl and try to give her food just with hands . Once the dog gets used to eat with your hands , place a bowl nearby and gradually move your hand closer to the food bowl. Please keep the bowl in the other hand , gradually moving it to the floor. In the end , put a bowl on the floor exercise and spend a la -feeding bowls , moving away from her for a few steps. Perform each exercise slowly, you will need to re- dog for quite a long time, do not be in a hurry , or you'll ruin everything .2 . You can keep the bowl in hand, instead of putting it on the floor and encourage the dog to approach you for the meal . You can even walk in circles , stepping too far from the dog that she came to you for a refill . Gradually you move the bowl closer to the floor and then put it on the floor . It should teach your dog to stay in place on the team until you approach with a bowl of food . Try to avoid such situations , the dog , being released from the team got too excited . Always release the dog from this team is very calm . You also need to behave calmly when loose dog out of the cage , or other place of isolation. Overdriving dogs can be dangerous. So give her some calm after the release of the task.3 . To increase security at an early stage can place a bowl on an elevated surface , not to stoop to the floor and not to expose a person into canine teeth. If the dog involved in the upbringing of a child, raised bowl gets closer to his face , and it's not too safe. Child should not be connected to employment , until the dog will not adequately treat adults .

4 . In the early stages of training you can tie your dog before giving her a bowl of food , so that she could not reach you claws or teeth. If necessary, ask for help from the trainer.5 . For additional security , you can use a muzzle , which would allow the dog is there, but would not give her a chance to bite you . If you want to try to use a muzzle , enlist the help of a trainer who would muzzle firmly cemented on the muzzle of the dog that it is not removed it at the most inopportune moment. Remember that the dog muzzled quickly produced conditional reflex to behave calmly , but when it is removed from the muzzle , it also quickly lost. Do not try to rush things . If a dog has a serious problem with food security , the process of re- take a long time . Only in this case, the dog would be safe for humans.6. Never punish your dog for its aggression. No matter how serious your dog protects your food , your aggression towards it will only aggravate the problem! If a dog has already appeared guarding instincts towards her food , they can not be completely eliminated , but it is possible to make their appearance more secure.Once your dog begins to show a relaxed attitude to people approaching her bowl, continue with the above exercises every time , once in your family , something changed : guests come , you took another pet or a family member joined the new . Periodically come to the dog bowl and throw something tasty there . Secure in the conscious dog that every time a person comes to her bowl - likely receive the award .

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